Site-Specific : 37a Cathedral road

37a Cathedral Road

The Room in which the installation is set up.
This is a physical theatre piece for children, set in an existing abandoned Victorian House in Cardiff. As a site specific piece every object or scenic element is drawn from what already existed in the house itself. I’ve endeavoured to create an environment for a group of school children around Year 4 (ages 8-9) to explore, have fun and express themselves. The central story is led by two characters, a Victorian collector and a young modern-day performance artist. They meet in this very house one night in unforeseen circumstances.

The objects left inside that inspired me
The play incorporates mime, acrobatics, penny farthing tricks, exploration of the house, sketching, storytelling and dancing. It runs over a week and the aim is for the house to fill up with the childrens’ drawings and stories of everyday and victorian objects that they've found in the house. Many of the objects left around the abandoned house are to do with its power circuits. It would be offered to schools as a possible way into learning about electricity and Cardiff’s history. Runtime - approx 1hr30mins.
Character development

An initial mood-board researching characters - picking up on Quentin Blake, Picasso & Maurice Sendak in particular

Joy Ghosh

The Botherers
Edward Ethelbert
Making the installation
The model

Edward Ethelbert the Collect & Joy Ghosh the Performance Artist/Acrobat

The collector: Edward Ethelbert