Above: Illustration for Global Gardens Community seed project. 2021

Illustrations for a tv Treatment, "Hyisterical" written by Quentin Beroud and Martha Bennett.

lockdown music sessions - drawn for gutter street instagram nights

Book cover design for Jean-Marie Maguin's 'Shakespeare and the Rhetoric of Elocution'. It combines the bust of Cicero nested into Shakespeare's Globe. The overall style and composition is inspired by de Chirico's 'The Song of Love' (1914). Painted in acylic, canvas on board, aprox 12 by 16", in August 2017. Available on Amazon Kindle:

Illustration of Iago's speech "I will wear my heart upon my sleeve, For daws to peck at: I am not what I am." Act 1 Scene 1 . Ink on paper, A4.

Above 'Urgent Wallpaper', below: 'Cut-out Thinking Pods' were created for CRUMBLE Architecture Magazine's Issue, 'What is Urgent?'. The graphics were inspired by the Scottish Parliament building's 'Think Pods', designed by Spanish architect Enric Miralles. For me they recognise the urgent need for a space in which to think carefully, even within highly pressured circumstances, both as an individual and as a community. The graphics were made using card stencils, spray paint, graphite pencil on 200mg paper and edited in Photoshop. March 2017.

The Illustrations above from left to right: 'Sleep less Ness!' a comic strip made for the PublishEd Literature Magazine 'Inkwell' (Ed. Kimberley Webster) whose theme for this issue was indeed 'Sleeplessness'. Black ink on paper, A3, Edinburgh, March 2017. Magazine available from the University of Edinburgh: http://publishedinburgh.blogspot.co.uk/p/magazine.html
'The lightness never leaves' is an ink illustration for a poem I wrote in 2015, later published in the zine SCR*P (Ed. Kath Doyle, Jack Hanscombe et al. 2017), black ink on paper, A3, Delhi, autumn 2015. Magazine available online only: https://issuu.com/ssscrapzine/docs/scrap_art_zine_issue_2

Illustrations for Barney Eliot's article 'Into The Lyon's Den' (Plus Magazine, Ed. Calum Anderson. Edinburgh). Above left: 'A Word about Madame Joubert...' Right: 'The mosquito maternity ward'. Black ink on 200gsm paper, A4, December 2014.

Illustrations for Eliot's article continued. Left: 'The youngest daughter's hair is unfashionable cropped because, as punishment for teen Cindy's kleptomania, Mother Joubert cut it off with scissors...' Right: 'I eat cereal with a wooden spoon as the cutlery has gradually disappeared.' Black Ink on 200gsm paper, A4, December 2014.

The illustrations above are also for Plus Magazine, edited by Calum Anderson, 2015. Left: 'Wearing Black is lazy & Arrogant' (article by S.B.J). 'A Very Anglo Track Record' (Article by C. Anderson). Black ink on 200gsm paper, A4, December 2014. Magazine available on request.